San Diego Regional Center

Welcome To Write Away Books

At Write Away Books, we're dedicated to taking
any author from Idea to Manuscript to Marketplace.™

Ever want to write a story? Design, write or edit your own book? Create illustrations, comics or anime? Write an animated series? Build your own website? Create your own online newsletters or blogs?

Write Away Books offers all of these creative program and services. Our team combines decades of expertise in the publishing, film and graphic arts worlds with many years of experience working with special needs adults. It is a unique skill set – one that unlocks the creative genius of so many and brings their voices, visions and stories to the world.

Talk to us today about what’s concerning you; We’ve probably already got the answer.

We offer 7 distinct programs to SDRC participants over age 18:

Written A Book? Let Us Give You A FREE REVIEW!

Book Design
Book Editing
Book Organization

Graphic Arts Training
Developing A Website
Story Consultation
Writing A Book

Writing A Book

Our team has written dozens of books! We’d love to help you write yours. 

We help you grow your ideas into full stories and chapters, and sit with you as you write the story you want to share with others. We work with every type of novel, true story, anime, manga, short story collection, and comic book.

Book Editing

Is your story already written? You or someone else you know has written a book, but what do you do next? We help you edit and polish it to a fine shine and help make sure every word feels like it’s in exactly the right place. Our team has edited over 200 books for authors worldwide.

Book Organization

Whether you’re writing a book or thinking of one, we help you organize ideas into chapters, table of contents, and the best sequencing (order) so your story will flow easily, showing your vision and words just as you pictured them. Whether a small book or a big volume, we can help you organize it so it moves as smoothly as a movie.

Developing A Website
Graphic Arts Training
Story Consultation
brandon book
Book Design

Websites are fun, right? Have you thought about designing your own? Or doing one with friends? We’ll show you how to design pages, create social media links, insert text, photos and videos, and post it so the world can see your creation.

Design everything! Our service staff works with participants on both print and online design, layout, writing and presentation for anything you want to create – a newsletter, a flyer, a brochure, a blog and everything in between.

Want to write stories to share? How about keeping a journal? We coach you to build a story, make it reflect your ideas perfectly, and help you talk through characters that feel like next-door neighbors. Having this great skill make it playtime.

Create the look of your book! We work with you on overall presentation, book cover design, type styles, placement of illustrations (if you have them) and more, so your book is a visual masterpiece no one can take their eyes off!

Additional services are coming soon. Learn about them today.

Book Publishing
Business Communications
Creating a Newsletter
Personal Branding
Writing Communications

Let's Get Started!

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When you need help with your communications…any phase of it, from beginning to end…talk to us.
We’ve got the finest people in the industry on our team, and they’re ready to help you NOW!

Need something else? Just ask!