book services
At Write Away Books, we're dedicated
to taking
any author from Idea to Manuscript to Marketplace.™
Regardless of your genre, the Write Away Books team is here to help you with as much – or as little – of your book development needs as you want. We’re fun to work with, and there are NEVER any high-pressure sales tactics.
Most importantly, we won’t leave you to do it by yourself…unless you WANT to.
Talk to us today about what’s concerning you; We’ve probably already got the answer.

And don’t forget to ask us for a Free book review!!
Because you’re probably too close to the subject, and a fresh set of eyes can help provide perspective. Make your book better and more sell-able with a free book review.
Get Started Today With These Services!
Ad Specialties
ARC/Print Production
Author Coaching
Cover Design
Direct Mail
Elevator Pitch
Interior Design
Mailing Lists
Proof Reading
Sales Promotion
Social Media
Strategic Planning
Website Development

Perfect for the seasoned veteran or the first time Do-It-Yourselfer, we’ll help you strategize, analyze, evaluate, and develop tactics.
Our team will point you towards resources and show you how to implement them.
We’ve got some of the best researchers in the business to help make your story into a smooth, logical, and clean read.
Get extra help tracking down obscure facts or bouncing ideas you heard about long ago. All you have to do is ask.
Got a compelling story, but no time? Need to clean up a manuscript? Want to write a book and sell it at speaking gigs? What about committing the family’s legacy to paper?
Whatever the genre, let us edit or ghost for you and get you to the next level.
If you made a mistake when writing your manuscript, you’ll probably miss it when you proof your own work.
Bring in WAB’s sharp-eyed professionals! If it’s a typo, a grammatical error, or an inconsistency, count on us to find it for you.
Quick & Easy Promotional Tool
The WAB Bookstore is the easiest way to keep you front-and-center with countless visitors at no extra cost. Because if we believe in your book, we want to promote your book!
Come visit our bookstore, where authors have a quick, easy place to buy their books.

We’ll bring you a choice of illustrators or photographers to suit your manuscript, audience, style, and budget.
Because we recognize the truth of the adage that a picture’s worth 1,000 words. And you can count on us to find the correct images to match your needs.

Whether your book will be hard cover, soft cover, or e-book, you’re going to want your pages to be properly formatted so that the margins, fonts, look and feel all scream “PROFESSIONAL!”
That’s where WAB’s graphics team comes in…to make you and your book always look your best.

Some folks still believe they can tell a book by its cover. So we’ve brought together a solid, experienced, multi-genre team of graphics designers to improve chances you’ll make that sale. They’ll create a cover telling all about your book at a glance.
What are you waiting for?

Your manuscript is done, and now the fun REALLY starts. We’ll produce professional Advance Review Copies to help you get the word out.
While it’s being reviewed, we’ll also supervise every step to ensure you’ve got a a high quality, budget-friendly book you can be proud of.

An author is a small business owner. This means you need a plan to strategize sales, alliances, milestones and budgets.
Don’t panic! Our CEO LITERALLY wrote the book for online business plans, and we’ll keep you pointed in the right direction.

WAB’s team helps you choose colors, fonts and a “look” reflecting your style and the image you’re sharing with the world.
Perfectly suited to your marketing needs, and easily incorporated into your website, social media, and other messaging tools.

Don’t know where to start marketing? We can help!
Our copywriters have spent years creating book briefs that work.
Our results quickly and efficiently get across the point of the book and its importance to the reader.

Maximize your sales effort with a short, effective pitch that quickly gets across the point of the book, its importance to the reader, and why it’s a must-read!
It’ll probably be the most important 30-second conversation you’re ever going to have.

We’ll coordinate with you to build an appropriate email list for direct marketing.
Some may be in-house; some may be rented.
All will be appropriate.

We’ll build you a gorgeous user-friendly, cost-effective website that suits your brand, tells a great story, helps you stand out of the crowd…and sells your book.
Show sample chapters, media kits, videos, and everything else you need to grab attention and close the deal.

Ramp up your next social media campaign by adding beautiful, custom-designed social media posters.
Each poster will be illustrated around an excerpt from your book, and comes suitable for social media and print.

Demonstrate your subject expertise, draw more website traffic, and generate sales.
We’ll build you a steady stream of content for your website, keep your online presence fresh, attract attention, and remind people you’re relevant.

Sometimes the best way to tell your story is with a retail one-sheeters, brochures, business card or some other appropriate materials for sales to non-traditional ground and online booksellers: trade groups, museums, gift shops, airports, conventions, and other strategically targeted sales venues.

Sure, we can get you pens, mugs, and bookmarks, but we’ve also got lots of ideas on how to help you stand out of the crowd.
Let’s talk about what makes the most sense for your image, the story you’re telling, your audience, and your budget.

Direct mail offers huge ways to market your book.
Send a postcard or letter. Do a dimensional mailing.
We’ve got LOTS of ideas to expand your awareness and sales. And it’s all SO cost-effective!
“Out of sight, out of mind” applies when you’re hustling your latest book.
We’ll help you gather a mailing list, create electronic or print mailers, and keep your name in front of the right audiences to maximize chances you accomplish your objective.
Going to a conference or a book fair? Don’t forget to bring your eye-catching, impactful signs and banners to grab attention, start a conversation, and close the sale.
Our team is standing by, ready to help you.
Marketing’s tough, but WE can help. We’ll create great content and send it to the right people on a regular schedule.
WAB develops consistently eye-catching material that appears in the IN box of customers, editors, and reporters.
Encourage immediate sales and interviews. GET STARTED NOW!
WAB develops referral and promo efforts to reach your customer base. We’ll help you sell past titles, reach out of previous readers, and help you build momentum.
All our promotional campaigns include strategy, creative copy, design and finished materials suitable for printing and/or posting to your website.
Here’s the bottom line. If you need help with your book…any phase of it, from beginning to end…talk to us. We’ve got the finest people in the industry on our team, and they’re ready to help you NOW!
Need something else? Just ask!